view theme/tum_beamer/example.tex @ 165:65599f4edb72

TUM theme
author Markus Kaiser <>
date Sun, 26 Oct 2014 00:00:35 +0200
line wrap: on
line source


\title{Minimal Presentation}
\subtitle{Fancy Latex}
\author{\href{}{Markus Kaiser}}




        \item Stuff can be itemized
        \item Even recursively
            \item All the way
            \item down
                    \item down


        \item Or enumerated
        \item With different numerals
        \item Which can be changed in the argument


    \begin{description}[For proper spacing]
        \item[Words] Can be explained
        \item[For proper spacing] beamer provides an optional argument to description


        \structure{Blockification} describes the process of putting words in pretty boxes. For \alert{Blockification} to work nicely, one has to observe the following relation between $\tau$, the complete area of the slide and $\mathfrak{B}$, the blockificated content.
            \tau^\mathfrak{B} = \frac{\pi}{\sqrt{3}} &\neq 5\\
            1 &\defeq 1


    \begin{example}[Block of different colors]
        This is a block of different color and semantic.


        Graphs are cool.


                \item One can organize things next to each other.
                \item Using columns
                \item There are some tricky details concearning alignment
                \item You might want to \alert{read the manual}!
                \item Which you should use anyway.
                \tikzstyle{vertex} = [circle,thick,draw,fill=tumblue!10]
                \tikzstyle{edge} = [draw, thick, -]

                    (0, 0)
                    +(0, 0) node[vertex] (va) {}
                    +(1, 0) node[vertex] (vb) {}
                    +(0, 1) node[vertex] (vc) {}
                    +(1, 1) node[vertex] (vd) {}
                    +(0.5, -0.5) node {$K_4$};

                    (va) -- (vb) -- (vc) -- (vd) -- (va) -- (vc) (vb) -- (vd);
