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author Markus Kaiser <>
date Sat, 05 Jul 2014 20:21:39 +0200
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\title{Oblivious Routing and Minimum Bisection}
\author{\href{}{Markus Kaiser}}
\institute{Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen\\


  I am an abstract!

\section{Oblivious Routing}
\subsection{Problem definition}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[flow graph]
        \path[use as bounding box] (-4, 2.4) rectangle (3.5,6.15);

            (n) node[below=3] {\structure{u}}
            (j) node[below=3] {\structure{v}};

            \draw[demand edge, bend left=20] (n) edge (j);

            \draw[marked edge, tumgreen]
                ( edge (
                ( edge (
                ( edge (
                ( edge (;

            \draw[marked edge, tumblue]
                ( edge (
                ( edge (
                ( edge (
                ( edge (
                ( edge (;

            \draw[marked edge, tumred]
                ( edge (
                ( edge (;

        \node at (-0.25, 2.4) {$\lambda_{green} = 0.25 \qquad \lambda_{blue} = 0.5 \qquad \lambda_{red} = 0.25$};
    \caption{Oblivious Routing}

\subsection{Formulation as a linear program}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[flow graph]

            \node[draw=tumblue, fill=tumblue!20, thick, ellipse, rotate fit=30, fit=(n)(l)(m), inner sep=3pt] (el) {};

        \path (el)
            ++ (200:1.5)
            ++ (0, 0) coordinate (label);
        \node[below of = label] {\structure{$S(\alert{e_T})$}};

            \foreach \source/ \dest in {l/h,m/e,m/f,n/b}
            \draw[tree edge, tumorange] (\ edge (\;

            \draw[tree edge, tumblue] ( edge (;
        \path (m) -- node[flow capacity]{$e_T$} (e);

    \caption{Tree splits}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[flow graph]

            (l) node[above=3] {\structure{u}}
            (i) node[above=3] {\structure{v}}
            (e) node[above left] {\structure{x}}
            (d) node[above=3] {\structure{z}}
            (c) node[below=3] {\structure{y}} ;

            \draw[demand edge, bend left=10] (l) edge (i);

            \foreach \source/ \dest in {l/m,m/e,d/k,k/j,j/i}
            \draw[tree edge, tumgreen] (\ edge (\;

            \draw[tree edge, line width=4pt, white] ( edge (;
            \draw[tree edge, densely dashed, tumgreen!80] ( edge (;

            \foreach \source/\dest in {e/c,c/d}
            \draw[tree edge, tumblue!80] (\ edge (\;

            \foreach \source/ \dest in {l/h,h/i}
            \draw[tree edge, tumorange] (\ edge (\;
    \caption{Routing with Pathtrees}

    \min_{\structure{\alpha, \lambda}} \quad & \mathrlap{\structure{\alpha}} \label{eq:primal}\\
    \st \quad && \sum_{i \in \Ih} \structure{\lambda_i} \sum_{\substack{e_T \in T_i: \\ \alert{(u, v)} \in P_i(e_T)}} C_i(e_T) & \leq \structure{\alpha} \alert{c_{uv}} & \qquad \forall \alert{u,v} \in V \\
    && \sum_{i \in \Ih} \structure{\lambda_i} &= 1 \\
    && \structure{\lambda} &\geq 0

\subsection{Approximation guarantee using the dual}

    \max_{\structure{z, \Ell}} \quad & \mathrlap{\structure{z}}\\ %
    \st \quad && \sum_{u, v \in V} c_{uv} \structure{\ell_{uv}} &= 1 \\
    && \structure{z} & \leq \sum_{e_T \in T_i} C_i(e_T) \sum_{(u,v) \in P_i(e_T)} \structure{\ell_{uv}} & \qquad \forall i \in \Ih \\
    && \structure{\Ell} &\geq 0

    \begin{tikzpicture}[flow graph]

            (n) node[above=3] {\structure{u}}
            (m) node[below=3] {a}
            (e) node[below=3] {b}
            (d) node[above=3] {c}
            (c) node[below=3] {d}
            (b) node[below=3] {\structure{v}};

            (n) -- node[node on edge] {$c_{uv}$} (b);

            \draw[tree edge, tumorange] ( edge (;

            \draw[tree edge, tumred] ( edge (;

            \node[draw=tumblue, fill=tumblue!20, thick, ellipse, rotate fit=30, fit=(n)(l)(m), inner sep=8pt] (el) {};
    \caption{Sum over all Capacities}

\section{Minimum Bisection}
\subsection{Problem definition}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[flow graph]

            \node[draw=tumblue, fill=tumblue!20, thick, ellipse, fit=(c)(d)(g)(k)(j)(i)(e)(h), inner sep=3pt] (el) {};

        \path (el)
            ++ (-30:2.6) node {\structure{$S$}};

            \foreach \source/\dest in {b/j,f/c,f/e,m/e,l/h}
            \draw [tree edge, tumorange] (\ -- (\;
    \caption{Minimum Bisection}

\subsection{Approximation using oblivious routing}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[flow graph]

            \node[draw=tumblue, fill=tumblue!20, thick, ellipse, fit=(c)(d)(g)(k)(j)(i)(e)(h), inner sep=3pt] (el) {};

        \path (el)
            ++ (-30:2.6) node {\structure{$S$}};

            (b) node[below=3] {\structure{u}}
            (j) node[below=3] {\structure{v}};

            \foreach \source/\dest in {f/c,b/j,l/h}
            \draw [tree edge, tumblue, dash pattern=on 7pt off 7pt] (\ -- (\;

            \foreach \source/\dest in {b/c,e/f,e/m}
            \draw [tree edge, tumred] (\ -- (\;

        \foreach \source/\dest/\name in {b/c/$e_3$,e/f/$e_2$,e/m/$e_1$}
        \path (\source) -- node[node on edge] {\name} (\dest);
    \caption{Costs are lower as tree costs}

